[African Culture Performance]
전체 페이지뷰
2012년 5월 23일 수요일
The whole world is converging together this May in one of the most important events in history. The World Expo 2012 is being attended by more than 100 countries in hopes of furthering world relations and sharing each other's culture and interpretations. With the excitement and all the festivities occurring around the host country, South Korea began construction of the site in May 12 in the city of Yeosu.
This year the event means so much more, especially with environmental concerns regarding nature and the conservation of natural resources. With all the major issues happening throughout the world, 'The Living Ocean and Coast' had been chosen as a theme.
The event is expected to generate worldwide attention. Billions of dollars were invested in the construction and the undertaking of the huge event. It has been a long while since the last World Expo had taken place, with the last fair taking place in Shanghai, China in 2010.
The tradition has been culminated and practiced continuously from the last century. The diversity of countries and the attention it gets have increased especially with the development of media. The exposition is expected to have an estimated count of 80 million people with more than half a million more from abroad. Concerns for security and traffic are a major concern for the organizers. With the huge volume of visitors fitting inside an area of 1.74 square kilometers of pavilion spaces, the exposition has to rely on support from the 10 international organizations.
Opening ceremonies were presented by South Korea president Lee Myung Bak. After which the three month event initiated with grand festivities and technological exhibitions. All the countries have their own exhibition space, making sure to expose their own interpretation of the theme centered on their own culture.
In all sense, the benefit of the World Fair has a rather large impact on South Korean economy. With an estimated ripple effect of 12.2 trillion of Korean won produced, it has to be perfectly executed. The added value of another 5.7 trillion won has in effect employed about 80 thousand employees.
The World Fair is an international tradition that has aided in relations for many generations. The fact that it will be held in South Korea will be an economic boom as well as letting the country garner more exposure to the rest of the world. The fair does well to convey the message it wants to tell the rest of the world, with more than 100 countries together in saying it.
- Tourism-Review.com
International Cruise Ships Arrive in Yeosu, One after Another
Fuji Maru Arrives on 25th, Making it a Third Cruise Ship to Dock at the Expo in two weeks
Japanese 23,000-ton international cruise ship Fuji Maru, carrying 400 tourists from Japan, arrives at the international cruise terminal at the Yeosu Expo site at 8 a.m. on May 25, following the Pacific Venus and the Legend of the Seas that arrived in Yeosu on 14th and 16th each. It is the third time for an international cruise ship to arrive in Yeosu since the Expo was opened to the public two weeks ago.
The Fuji Maru, departed from port, Kumamoto prefecture, Japan on 24th, will stay in Yeosu for two days from 25th to 26th, and tourists aboard the ship are going to visit the Yeosu Expo and tour Yeosu, Suncheon and other neighboring areas in the southern coast. The vessel will return to Japan on May 27.
Mr. Kang Jung-gu, the director of the international marketing division at the Organizing Committee for Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea, said that “the three international cruise ships brought in around 3,000 international tourists and contributed to enhancing the image of the Yeosu Expo as a marine exhibition.” and “for the rest of the Expo period, more international cruise ships are expected to dock at the Expo site for seven times in total, including the Costa Victoria owned by Europe’s largest shipbuilder, which is scheduled to dock at the Expo site for five times.”
Fuji Maru
Japanese 23,000-ton international cruise ship Fuji Maru, carrying 400 tourists from Japan, arrives at the international cruise terminal at the Yeosu Expo site at 8 a.m. on May 25, following the Pacific Venus and the Legend of the Seas that arrived in Yeosu on 14th and 16th each. It is the third time for an international cruise ship to arrive in Yeosu since the Expo was opened to the public two weeks ago.
The Fuji Maru, departed from port, Kumamoto prefecture, Japan on 24th, will stay in Yeosu for two days from 25th to 26th, and tourists aboard the ship are going to visit the Yeosu Expo and tour Yeosu, Suncheon and other neighboring areas in the southern coast. The vessel will return to Japan on May 27.
Mr. Kang Jung-gu, the director of the international marketing division at the Organizing Committee for Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea, said that “the three international cruise ships brought in around 3,000 international tourists and contributed to enhancing the image of the Yeosu Expo as a marine exhibition.” and “for the rest of the Expo period, more international cruise ships are expected to dock at the Expo site for seven times in total, including the Costa Victoria owned by Europe’s largest shipbuilder, which is scheduled to dock at the Expo site for five times.”
Fuji Maru
2012년 5월 20일 일요일
Ulala Session - Beautiful Night [MV] [HD] [Eng Sub]
The Korean Audition Winning Group Ulala Session's First official Debut song, Beautiful Night MV Released! Check it out! Eng Sub Available.
2012년 5월 16일 수요일
Girls’ Generation (TaeTiSeo) – ‘Twinkle’ MV [HD]
Famous Korean Girl Group, Girl’s Generations(SNSD)’s sub unit group “TaeTiSeo” New song “Twinkle” released! Eng sub also available.
2012년 5월 10일 목요일
Landmarks of Yeosu Expo
The panorama of Yeosu Expo '12 site
The Big O, a water screen that is a landmark of the Expo 2012, is seen during a media day of the expo, in Yeosu, South Korea. Picture: AP Photo/Yonhap
The Thematic Pavilion for the EXPO 2012 planned by the Austrian architecture office SOMA will be opened in Yeosu on 11th of May. Soma’s design proposal One Ocean was selected as the first prize winner in an open international competition in 2009.
The panorama of Yeosu Expo '12 site '12 여수 엑스포 행사장 전경
The Big O, a water screen that is a landmark of the Expo 2012, is seen during a media day of the expo, in Yeosu, South Korea. 한국 여수에서 열린 2012 엑스포 미디어 데이에서 엑스포의 랜드마크인 Big O (워터 스크린)이 시연되고 있다
The Thematic Pavilion for the EXPO 2012 planned by the Austrian architecture office SOMA will be opened in Yeosu on 11th of May. Soma’s design proposal One Ocean was selected as the first prize winner in an open international competition in 2009. 오스트리아 건축사무실인 SOMA에서 설계한 2012 엑스포의 주제관이 5월 11일 문을 연다. SOMA의 '하나의 바다' 디자인은 2009년 열린 국제 공모전에서 1위를 차지했다.
The panorama of Yeosu Expo '12 site '12 여수 엑스포 행사장 전경
The Big O, a water screen that is a landmark of the Expo 2012, is seen during a media day of the expo, in Yeosu, South Korea. 한국 여수에서 열린 2012 엑스포 미디어 데이에서 엑스포의 랜드마크인 Big O (워터 스크린)이 시연되고 있다
The Thematic Pavilion for the EXPO 2012 planned by the Austrian architecture office SOMA will be opened in Yeosu on 11th of May. Soma’s design proposal One Ocean was selected as the first prize winner in an open international competition in 2009. 오스트리아 건축사무실인 SOMA에서 설계한 2012 엑스포의 주제관이 5월 11일 문을 연다. SOMA의 '하나의 바다' 디자인은 2009년 열린 국제 공모전에서 1위를 차지했다.
[Yeosu Expo] K-POP Stars "Let's Gather Around in Yeosu"
K-Pop stars, such as Super Junior, Shinee, Beast, 2PM and Wondergirls, will get together in Yeosu.
'12 Yeosu Expo Organization Committee stated that various performances ranging from K-Pop and World Pop to Classic will take place during Expo period, and revealed detailed lineup on May 8th.
'The Big Wave Concert', which is a special K-pop concert, will begin on 12th, the grand opening day, with Wonder Girls and Dynamic Duo, and will go on every week with other K-pop stars such as Shinee and Super Junior.
On June 15th, Busker Busker will perform 'Yeosu Night Sea', which rercently have caused a sensation.
In addition to Big Wave Concert, total of 16 shows, at least one show per week, will be performed on Big O afloat stage.
In addition to orean popular singers including 015B, Kim Jo-Han, Boohwal, DJ DOC and Kim Kyung-Ho, foreign stars such as world-famous R&B singer John Legend, classic idol star Ensemble Ditto and Mason Bates, a popular DJ and composer, will also participate in Yeosu Expo.
Yeosu Expo show schedules are posted on its homepage(www.expo2012.kr)
All shows including Big Wave Concert are free to every ticket holders. Tickets are available on its homepage or Interpart Ticket.
Organization Committee official said "Besides exhibition, diverse shows can make Expo merrily. Especially, I think cheap K-Pop concerts(available to everyone with ticket which is approximately 30,000 won) will be very popular among tourists from overseas."
Yeosu Expo is a second Expo to be held in Korea following 1993 Daejeon Expo, and is chosen as 'one of the tourist destination that one should visit this year' by various eminent presses including CNN and Lonely Planet.
'12 Yeosu Expo Organization Committee stated that various performances ranging from K-Pop and World Pop to Classic will take place during Expo period, and revealed detailed lineup on May 8th.
'The Big Wave Concert', which is a special K-pop concert, will begin on 12th, the grand opening day, with Wonder Girls and Dynamic Duo, and will go on every week with other K-pop stars such as Shinee and Super Junior.
On June 15th, Busker Busker will perform 'Yeosu Night Sea', which rercently have caused a sensation.
In addition to Big Wave Concert, total of 16 shows, at least one show per week, will be performed on Big O afloat stage.
In addition to orean popular singers including 015B, Kim Jo-Han, Boohwal, DJ DOC and Kim Kyung-Ho, foreign stars such as world-famous R&B singer John Legend, classic idol star Ensemble Ditto and Mason Bates, a popular DJ and composer, will also participate in Yeosu Expo.
Yeosu Expo show schedules are posted on its homepage(www.expo2012.kr)
All shows including Big Wave Concert are free to every ticket holders. Tickets are available on its homepage or Interpart Ticket.
Organization Committee official said "Besides exhibition, diverse shows can make Expo merrily. Especially, I think cheap K-Pop concerts(available to everyone with ticket which is approximately 30,000 won) will be very popular among tourists from overseas."
Yeosu Expo is a second Expo to be held in Korea following 1993 Daejeon Expo, and is chosen as 'one of the tourist destination that one should visit this year' by various eminent presses including CNN and Lonely Planet.
K-POP Water Show, Expectation High
Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea opens on the 12th and expectation on the K-POP Water Show is high.
According to the Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea Organizing Committee, Wonder Girls, Dinamic Duo, and Simon D will appear in the special concert "Big Wave Concert". Also large wooden dolls and marine life characters will appear in the water show.
Wonders Girls who topped the K-POP chart with "Be My Baby" will show its Korean Wave again in the Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea Water Show.
Dynamic Duo and Simon D who is leading the Korean Hiphop globalization will move not only the Korean fans but also the foreigners.
Big Wave Concert will open that day and continue in 26th, June 16th and 30th, July 7th and 14th, April 4th from 7:30 to 8:30.
Spectators will enjoy the day because there are many performances and events being prepared besides K-POP show.
At 2:00 PM, theme performance of Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea called the "Flowering Sea" water show will be held for 70 minutes.
Main charater "Sea Flower Girl" and "Coast Boy" will show a thrilling performance along the marine life charater.
153 people will perform in the water show, and road performance, clown performance, water stunt, art circus will be be combined in the water show.
You will regret it if you miss the night water screen Big oh show using "The-O".
For the first time in the world, a hologram image will be penetrated through the water, and water fountain show as wells as flame show will move the spectators.
In the tent theater, Buhwal's first concert will be held at 8:20 PM for an hour.
K-Pop Festa is relay-concert form to be held throughout May, in which Korean famous artists such as Bu Hwal, Jeok-woo, 015B, Kim Cho-han, DJ.DOC, Geomi, Kim Kyeong-ho, will appear.
The historical reunion stage to be performed by Shin Hae-cheol and Shin Dae-cheol is particularly interesting.
At the tent theater, 12 types of special stages called 'Dancing Hero' which includes Hip-hop, Modern dance, Break Dance and Pop dance, will be provided between 12 pm to 1 pm. And the world's first silent comedy 'Gamarchoba' will be provided between 4 pm to 5 pm.
Dancing Hero and Gamarchoba will be shown till 1st July and 18th May individually.
At the children's theater, experienceable performances 'Nanta for children' and 'Garuya Garuya' will be open. Also many other children's performances like goblin band with natural sound 'Beatle Goblin', 'Bumped Apple', 'Tum-tum Bang-bang', 'Teeth', 'Who shat on my head?', will be performed.
The participant nations' cultural performances will also be provided everyday.
On the first day of the Expo, Indonesian and Cambodian performances will be played at 12:30 pm and 4 pm individually at the Ocean Square.
Besides, street and traditional performances will be provided for the audiences waiting in line of the exhibition. And Coast guard's training ship, russian sailboat 'Hagemga', Coreana, cargo vessel anchored at the ship exhibition dock, will provide boarding experience.
The organizing committee of Yeosu Expo's Cutural Event department head Kim Kwang-yong said "Yeosu Expo's cultural performances will be on the ocean with the ocean as the stage" and "You can learn about the ocean through the exhibitions and enjoy about the ocean through the performances".
The opening ceremony of Yeosu Expo will be played with 'Dreaming Ocean' as the theme at the Ocean Stage at 6 pm on 11th, the day before the opening.
At the opening ceremony, the Jeolla provincial governor Park Jun-young, the chairman of BIE, the chairman of the organizing committee, the member of Parliament, the representatives of participating nations and international organizations, the leaders of the Green Growth Summit, etc. will attend. And the First day will be a simple ceremony at the entrance of Expo Digital Gallery at 8 am on 12th.
Yeosu Expo will be open for 93 days from 12th May till 12th August with the theme of 'Living Ocean, Breathing Coast'.
It will be the world-class festival with 80 special exhibitions where you can learn about the importance of the ocean and enjoy various cultural performances. 104 nations and 10 international organizations will participate.
According to the Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea Organizing Committee, Wonder Girls, Dinamic Duo, and Simon D will appear in the special concert "Big Wave Concert". Also large wooden dolls and marine life characters will appear in the water show.
Wonders Girls who topped the K-POP chart with "Be My Baby" will show its Korean Wave again in the Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea Water Show.
Dynamic Duo and Simon D who is leading the Korean Hiphop globalization will move not only the Korean fans but also the foreigners.
Big Wave Concert will open that day and continue in 26th, June 16th and 30th, July 7th and 14th, April 4th from 7:30 to 8:30.
Spectators will enjoy the day because there are many performances and events being prepared besides K-POP show.
At 2:00 PM, theme performance of Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea called the "Flowering Sea" water show will be held for 70 minutes.
Main charater "Sea Flower Girl" and "Coast Boy" will show a thrilling performance along the marine life charater.
153 people will perform in the water show, and road performance, clown performance, water stunt, art circus will be be combined in the water show.
You will regret it if you miss the night water screen Big oh show using "The-O".
For the first time in the world, a hologram image will be penetrated through the water, and water fountain show as wells as flame show will move the spectators.
In the tent theater, Buhwal's first concert will be held at 8:20 PM for an hour.
K-Pop Festa is relay-concert form to be held throughout May, in which Korean famous artists such as Bu Hwal, Jeok-woo, 015B, Kim Cho-han, DJ.DOC, Geomi, Kim Kyeong-ho, will appear.
The historical reunion stage to be performed by Shin Hae-cheol and Shin Dae-cheol is particularly interesting.
At the tent theater, 12 types of special stages called 'Dancing Hero' which includes Hip-hop, Modern dance, Break Dance and Pop dance, will be provided between 12 pm to 1 pm. And the world's first silent comedy 'Gamarchoba' will be provided between 4 pm to 5 pm.
Dancing Hero and Gamarchoba will be shown till 1st July and 18th May individually.
At the children's theater, experienceable performances 'Nanta for children' and 'Garuya Garuya' will be open. Also many other children's performances like goblin band with natural sound 'Beatle Goblin', 'Bumped Apple', 'Tum-tum Bang-bang', 'Teeth', 'Who shat on my head?', will be performed.
The participant nations' cultural performances will also be provided everyday.
On the first day of the Expo, Indonesian and Cambodian performances will be played at 12:30 pm and 4 pm individually at the Ocean Square.
Besides, street and traditional performances will be provided for the audiences waiting in line of the exhibition. And Coast guard's training ship, russian sailboat 'Hagemga', Coreana, cargo vessel anchored at the ship exhibition dock, will provide boarding experience.
The organizing committee of Yeosu Expo's Cutural Event department head Kim Kwang-yong said "Yeosu Expo's cultural performances will be on the ocean with the ocean as the stage" and "You can learn about the ocean through the exhibitions and enjoy about the ocean through the performances".
The opening ceremony of Yeosu Expo will be played with 'Dreaming Ocean' as the theme at the Ocean Stage at 6 pm on 11th, the day before the opening.
At the opening ceremony, the Jeolla provincial governor Park Jun-young, the chairman of BIE, the chairman of the organizing committee, the member of Parliament, the representatives of participating nations and international organizations, the leaders of the Green Growth Summit, etc. will attend. And the First day will be a simple ceremony at the entrance of Expo Digital Gallery at 8 am on 12th.
Yeosu Expo will be open for 93 days from 12th May till 12th August with the theme of 'Living Ocean, Breathing Coast'.
It will be the world-class festival with 80 special exhibitions where you can learn about the importance of the ocean and enjoy various cultural performances. 104 nations and 10 international organizations will participate.
2012년 5월 8일 화요일
3. "Travelled around the world to visit Yeosu Expo"
Operating personnel of Joint Pavilion's 56 participating nations were invited for 7 days of training, and experienced Korea.
65 foreigners from 56 'small' nations of 3 oceans gathered at Yeosu Expo on 26th. Operating personnel of Joint Pavilion's participating nations, Africa, South America, Asian developing countries and South Pacific Islands, were invited for the 7 days training program to learn about the Expo and Korean culture.
105 nations will participate at Yeosu Expo's International Pavilion, 50 nations through Individual National Pavilion and 56 nations through Joint Pavilion. This program was intended for the 56 nations which will participate through Joint Pavilion, such as East Timor, Fiji, the Solomon Islands, Maldives, El Salvador, etc.
The participants stayed at the Expo Town, the expo's staff accommodation, and learned about visa and stay, commercial activities in the Expo, IT services, operation of exhibition, customs and transportation, national day event, etc. Based on these learnings, they will manage each nation's exhibition and promote their displays throughout the Expo period(12.05~12.08).
Most of the participants visited Korea for the first time. Ecuadorian participant Antonella Carrascozuffi, who arrived late night on 23rd, said, "I wish to promote Galapagos islands, Ecuador's attraction and marine sanctuary, through the Expo and experience Korean cultures like K-Pop", and "As I visited the Expo sites, the venue, built beside ocean was splendid and i am proud to work there"
On 26th, the participants looked around the facilities and their exhibition halls, and experienced Korean cultures like Mask Dance. They participated in the rehearsal of Yeosu Expo on 28th(Sat), and explored Yeosu suburbs such as Suncheon Bay and Nakan Castle on 29th(Sun).
The Joint Pavilion is divided into 3 ocean clusters that are the Atlantic, the Pacific and the Indian Ocean, with the participations mainly comprised of developing countries. The Atlantic Pavilion comprises 30 nations including Gambia, the Pacific Pavilion comprises 16 nations including Papua New Guinea, and the Indian Ocean Pavilion comprises 10 nations including Kenya. A small island state of Caricom Antigua and Barbuda , fantastic islands Tuvalu and Nauru, and a world class attraction although a small island Seychelles, will also participate.
The director of International Pavilion Kim Young-seok said, "the Individual National Pavilions which will provide high-tech and fancy displays will be wonderful, but the Joint Pavilion where you can experience the cultures and ocean stories of unfamiliar countries will also be very attractive".
65 foreigners from 56 'small' nations of 3 oceans gathered at Yeosu Expo on 26th. Operating personnel of Joint Pavilion's participating nations, Africa, South America, Asian developing countries and South Pacific Islands, were invited for the 7 days training program to learn about the Expo and Korean culture.
105 nations will participate at Yeosu Expo's International Pavilion, 50 nations through Individual National Pavilion and 56 nations through Joint Pavilion. This program was intended for the 56 nations which will participate through Joint Pavilion, such as East Timor, Fiji, the Solomon Islands, Maldives, El Salvador, etc.
The participants stayed at the Expo Town, the expo's staff accommodation, and learned about visa and stay, commercial activities in the Expo, IT services, operation of exhibition, customs and transportation, national day event, etc. Based on these learnings, they will manage each nation's exhibition and promote their displays throughout the Expo period(12.05~12.08).
Most of the participants visited Korea for the first time. Ecuadorian participant Antonella Carrascozuffi, who arrived late night on 23rd, said, "I wish to promote Galapagos islands, Ecuador's attraction and marine sanctuary, through the Expo and experience Korean cultures like K-Pop", and "As I visited the Expo sites, the venue, built beside ocean was splendid and i am proud to work there"
On 26th, the participants looked around the facilities and their exhibition halls, and experienced Korean cultures like Mask Dance. They participated in the rehearsal of Yeosu Expo on 28th(Sat), and explored Yeosu suburbs such as Suncheon Bay and Nakan Castle on 29th(Sun).
The Joint Pavilion is divided into 3 ocean clusters that are the Atlantic, the Pacific and the Indian Ocean, with the participations mainly comprised of developing countries. The Atlantic Pavilion comprises 30 nations including Gambia, the Pacific Pavilion comprises 16 nations including Papua New Guinea, and the Indian Ocean Pavilion comprises 10 nations including Kenya. A small island state of Caricom Antigua and Barbuda , fantastic islands Tuvalu and Nauru, and a world class attraction although a small island Seychelles, will also participate.
The director of International Pavilion Kim Young-seok said, "the Individual National Pavilions which will provide high-tech and fancy displays will be wonderful, but the Joint Pavilion where you can experience the cultures and ocean stories of unfamiliar countries will also be very attractive".
2. Yeosu ready to welcome expo guests
Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea will run from May 12 through Aug. 12, under the theme, ``The Living Ocean and Coast.’’
The organizing committee said 105 countries and 10 international organizations have confirmed their participation in the largest global event ever hosted by the coastal city.
The committee expects to attract a total of 10 million visitors, including 550,000 from overseas. About 300,000 Chinese are expected, followed by 200,000 from Japan. Those from Southeast Asia, Europe and the Americas will account for the remainder.
``We had initially expected about 100 nations to take part in the Yeosu Expo. But the figure has reached 105. This shows the upcoming festival has attracted a great deal of attention from the global community,’’ said Kang Dong-suk, chairman of the organizing committee.
``We completed the construction of the exhibition pavilions and support facilities by March. Since the beginning of April, we have started test-operating all the facilities and plan to provide a perfect service to visitors,’’ Kang said.
Organizers have been operating about 80 exhibition facilities and rehearsing a variety of cultural performances, while recruiting thousands of mock visitors to have them provide feedback.
``Based on their opinions, we have modified our programs and improved facilities to offer visitors services second to none,’’ the chairman said. ``We have been working hard for the past four years to make preparations for the Yeosu Expo. We are confident the upcoming festival will be one of the world’s most successful.’’
What to see
The Yeosu Expo boasts 80 exhibition facilities, including the Korea Pavilion, the International Pavilion and seven corporate pavilions.
There are also four must-see thematic facilities. First, the Big-O will be a venue to experience the theme of Yeosu Expo.
Expo Digital Gallery will be the main thoroughfare, passing through the heart of the International Pavilion. Visitors will feel like they are walking under the sea by viewing various digitalized marine creatures swimming on a large screen installed overhead.
The Marine Life Pavilion is also hoped to be one of the most visited during the three-month fair. It will exhibit diverse marine ecosystems of the five oceans.
Sky Tower, abandoned silos that have been turned into an observation deck, provides a great view of the entire expo site and its surrounding area.
``When the expo comes to an end after its three-month run, we will tear down most of the structures. But the Big-O and Sky Tower will remain intact to attract hundreds of thousands of tourists to Yeosu for many years to come,’’ Kang said.
Transportation & accommodation
``Korail, the state-run railroad operator, now operates a bullet train between Yeosu and Seoul, reducing travel time significantly,’’ he said.
The chairman added visitors will be able to come to the expo site via sea as ferries will link Yeosu with Busan and Jeju. ``For foreign visitors from China and Japan, they can take ferries and dock at the port, which is right next to the expo venue.’’
Kang said there are about 1,000 hotel rooms in Yeosu and the nearby area, including the newly-constructed MVL hotel at the expo site that has 331 rooms.
To ease the expected shortage of rooms, the chairman said the organizing committee has been in talks with travel agencies to have foreign guests stay in Busan, Gwangju and other large cities nearby, and shuttle them back and forth.
Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea will run from May 12 through Aug. 12, under the theme, ``The Living Ocean and Coast.’’
The organizing committee said 105 countries and 10 international organizations have confirmed their participation in the largest global event ever hosted by the coastal city.
The committee expects to attract a total of 10 million visitors, including 550,000 from overseas. About 300,000 Chinese are expected, followed by 200,000 from Japan. Those from Southeast Asia, Europe and the Americas will account for the remainder.
``We had initially expected about 100 nations to take part in the Yeosu Expo. But the figure has reached 105. This shows the upcoming festival has attracted a great deal of attention from the global community,’’ said Kang Dong-suk, chairman of the organizing committee.
``We completed the construction of the exhibition pavilions and support facilities by March. Since the beginning of April, we have started test-operating all the facilities and plan to provide a perfect service to visitors,’’ Kang said.
Organizers have been operating about 80 exhibition facilities and rehearsing a variety of cultural performances, while recruiting thousands of mock visitors to have them provide feedback.
``Based on their opinions, we have modified our programs and improved facilities to offer visitors services second to none,’’ the chairman said. ``We have been working hard for the past four years to make preparations for the Yeosu Expo. We are confident the upcoming festival will be one of the world’s most successful.’’
What to see
The Yeosu Expo boasts 80 exhibition facilities, including the Korea Pavilion, the International Pavilion and seven corporate pavilions.
There are also four must-see thematic facilities. First, the Big-O will be a venue to experience the theme of Yeosu Expo.
Expo Digital Gallery will be the main thoroughfare, passing through the heart of the International Pavilion. Visitors will feel like they are walking under the sea by viewing various digitalized marine creatures swimming on a large screen installed overhead.
The Marine Life Pavilion is also hoped to be one of the most visited during the three-month fair. It will exhibit diverse marine ecosystems of the five oceans.
Sky Tower, abandoned silos that have been turned into an observation deck, provides a great view of the entire expo site and its surrounding area.
``When the expo comes to an end after its three-month run, we will tear down most of the structures. But the Big-O and Sky Tower will remain intact to attract hundreds of thousands of tourists to Yeosu for many years to come,’’ Kang said.
Transportation & accommodation
``Korail, the state-run railroad operator, now operates a bullet train between Yeosu and Seoul, reducing travel time significantly,’’ he said.
The chairman added visitors will be able to come to the expo site via sea as ferries will link Yeosu with Busan and Jeju. ``For foreign visitors from China and Japan, they can take ferries and dock at the port, which is right next to the expo venue.’’
Kang said there are about 1,000 hotel rooms in Yeosu and the nearby area, including the newly-constructed MVL hotel at the expo site that has 331 rooms.
To ease the expected shortage of rooms, the chairman said the organizing committee has been in talks with travel agencies to have foreign guests stay in Busan, Gwangju and other large cities nearby, and shuttle them back and forth.

1. Yeosu, offers more than expo
When thinking of Yeosu, the song immediately comes to mind, especially for young people. The song “Nightscape at Yeosu Seashore”, recently released by Busker Busker, has attracted many visitors, boosting tourism there and helping to promote the 2012 Yeosu Expo.
The nightscape along Yeosu beach is impressive to many.
It takes about three hours from Seoul’s Yongsan Station to Yeosu Expo Station by KTX. Those visiting the Yeosu Expo may easily view the ocean from the Expo site.
About 30,000 people traveled through Yeosu Expo Station located near the Expo site in Yeosu city, South Jeolla Province, since the end of last month when the album was released, according to the station authorities. It marks an increase by 10,000 from the same period last year.
Scenic places in Yeosu
There are 10 main scenic places around Yeosu, designated by the city. Out of the 10, however, there are two must-see sights. These are Dolsan Bridge and Odong-do or Odong Island. Dolsan Bridge connects Yeosu with Dolsan Island. It can be best viewed from Dolsan Park.
The bridge is most beautiful at night when the 50 different colors of lights decorate the bridge. After crossing the bridge, take a stroll along the trails around Dolsan Park. The walkway provides a full view of Yeosu city and may refresh your mind too.
If you have enough time, visit Odong Island located right next to the expo site. To visit the island, you must walk across the breakwater that connects the mainland to the island. The breakwater that leads to the island is a romantic pathway that is also one of the 100 most beautiful walkways in Korea. For more information, visit http://www.odongdo.go.kr/en/.
Expo Camp Town
Expo Camp Town will provide lodging for about 1,661 Korean and overseas visitors. The site will be available for stay starting from May 1. There are 35 units for caravans, 250 tents, and 40 units for auto-camping. For more information, visit http://www.2012expo-camptown.com/.
A diverse selection of accommodations, such as hanok (traditional Korean houses), temple stay, bed & breakfast in farms and fishing villages and mobile cabin homes, will also be available for international visitors.
The nightscape along Yeosu beach is impressive to many.
It takes about three hours from Seoul’s Yongsan Station to Yeosu Expo Station by KTX. Those visiting the Yeosu Expo may easily view the ocean from the Expo site.
About 30,000 people traveled through Yeosu Expo Station located near the Expo site in Yeosu city, South Jeolla Province, since the end of last month when the album was released, according to the station authorities. It marks an increase by 10,000 from the same period last year.
Scenic places in Yeosu
There are 10 main scenic places around Yeosu, designated by the city. Out of the 10, however, there are two must-see sights. These are Dolsan Bridge and Odong-do or Odong Island. Dolsan Bridge connects Yeosu with Dolsan Island. It can be best viewed from Dolsan Park.
The bridge is most beautiful at night when the 50 different colors of lights decorate the bridge. After crossing the bridge, take a stroll along the trails around Dolsan Park. The walkway provides a full view of Yeosu city and may refresh your mind too.
If you have enough time, visit Odong Island located right next to the expo site. To visit the island, you must walk across the breakwater that connects the mainland to the island. The breakwater that leads to the island is a romantic pathway that is also one of the 100 most beautiful walkways in Korea. For more information, visit http://www.odongdo.go.kr/en/.
Expo Camp Town
Expo Camp Town will provide lodging for about 1,661 Korean and overseas visitors. The site will be available for stay starting from May 1. There are 35 units for caravans, 250 tents, and 40 units for auto-camping. For more information, visit http://www.2012expo-camptown.com/.
A diverse selection of accommodations, such as hanok (traditional Korean houses), temple stay, bed & breakfast in farms and fishing villages and mobile cabin homes, will also be available for international visitors.

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