New Korean Girl Group, Crayon Pop singing their new Title song "Dancing Queen" (Street Ver)!!
전체 페이지뷰
2012년 11월 20일 화요일
2012년 10월 29일 월요일
GCF in Incheon!
Songdo of Incehon city wins bid to bring in headquarters of Green Climate Fund
Incheon is in the center of the 'Green Earth'
What's GCF?
▶ Raises a $ 800 billion fund
▶ A greenbank as large as IMF
▶ Initially 500 people. Up to more than 8,000 people working as an international organization member.
▶ Elevating national prestige by holding a large scale international organization for the first time.
▶ Elevating the brand power of Incheon.
Green Climate Fund
Because of the rapid climate change, the whole human race is at the crossroads of survival. Especially, reducing green-house gases from the developing countries and adapting to the climate change is problem that the world should solve together.
To solve the environmental problems of these countries a huge sum of financial resources are required. And GCF is the organization that handles it.
G.C.F means Green Climate Fund.
The international society has realized the urgency of climate change, and thus gathered $100 billion to support developing countries adapt climate change. The establishment of 'Green Climate Fund(GCF)', an organization to create and use the financial resources is imminent.
2012년 10월 25일 목요일
[K-pop]I will show you - Ailee
Korean Diva Ailee released new song "I will show you". Check out the MV in HD. Eng sub also avialable!
South Korea : UN Security Council
South Korea
becomes a member of
UN Security Council!
10 non-permanent members enjoy power of decision making in several important issues such as resolution in disputed region, and deploying UN Peacekeeping Operations(PKO).
Now, South Korea has become a prominent nation contributing for the world peace~
South Korea becomes Non-permanent member of UN Security Council
South Korea,
2013-14 non-permanent member of UN Security Council.
Re-enters as a member after 16 years since its term of 1996-97
Secured 149 votes among 193 UN members
As one of 15 member states, it will play a major role in global peacekeeping
Enhancing stability in the Korean Peninsula contributing positive effects
High Status in international foreign affairs,
Now its Global Korea.
2013-14 non-permanent member of UN Security Council.
Re-enters as a member after 16 years since its term of 1996-97
Secured 149 votes among 193 UN members
As one of 15 member states, it will play a major role in global peacekeeping
Enhancing stability in the Korean Peninsula contributing positive effects
High Status in international foreign affairs,
Now its Global Korea.
South Korea : One of 7 Emerging Powerhouses
"South Korea, one of 7 nations that overcame Global Economic Crisis"
US magazine Foreign Policy highly evaluated President Lee's Stimulative Economic Policy.
The US diplomacy magazine
On Oct. 11th, Wall Street Journal published an editorial article saying "By embracing FTAs with U.S. and Europe, President Lee Myung Bak showed his attempt to open up South Korean market", also "this opening will provide benefits to South Korean consumers with expanded choices and less prices of products, resulting to development of the economy".
South Korea : The Emerging Powerhouse

"I am confident that this crisis can advance our dream of becoming an advanced first-class nation," President Lee Myung-bak told a group of business leaders in 2009. To accomplish his goal, South Korea boosted government research and development spending from 3.4 percent -- already among the world's highest -- to 5 percent. The emphasis on innovation, combined with generous subsidies, not to mention a policy of keeping the won low to boost exports, has helped South Korean industrial giants like Samsung, Kia, and Hyundai rack up global market share. South Korea was the first wealthy country to emerge from recession in 2009, and household income has grown for the last 11 quarters. The country's credit rating was upgraded by Fitch in September, cementing its status as a haven for investors. South Korea still faces economic challenges -- domestic consumption has been low, and Korean households are among the world's most debt-laden -- but once global trade picks up, expect the Korean wave to crash on a shore near you.
2012년 10월 22일 월요일
HYUNA - 'Ice Cream' (Official Music Video)
Hyuna(from Korean girl group '4 minute') new MV "Icecream" released !!
2012년 9월 17일 월요일
Orange Caramel- Lipstick MV
Korean Girl Group, Orange Caramel new song "Lipstick" released ! Eng sub available.
2012년 9월 10일 월요일
President Lee with Um Hong-Gil
Korea's president in Greenland, with south korean climber Um Hong-gil!
Find out more on his facebook page!
오늘 이른 아침 엄홍길 대장과 함께 숙소 근처를 산책하다가 바람이 너무 강해서 여러분께 보여드리려고 셀카를 찍어봤습니다. ^^
President Lee with Galaxy note 2
Korea's president Lee Myung-bak taking a photo with his galaxy note2!!
Find out more on his facebook page!
Find out more on his facebook page!
President of the Republic of Korea Lee Myung-Bak
Korean President Lee starting Facebook
President Lee Myung-bak started his facebook!
Find out more on his facebook page!
안녕하세요, 대통령 이명박입니다.
존경하고 사랑하는 국민 여러분과 조금 더 가까워지기를 소망하며 오늘부터 페이스북 페이지를 시작합니다.
오셔서 지나간 사진들과 최근 근황도 둘러보시고, 틈나는대로 세상사는 이야기도 나눌 수 있으면 좋겠습니다. 감사합니다.
오셔서 지나간 사진들과 최근 근황도 둘러보시고, 틈나는대로 세상사는 이야기도 나눌 수 있으면 좋겠습니다. 감사합니다.
Korean President Lee visiting Greenland
Korea's president Lee Myung-bak visiting Greenland!
Find out more on his facebook page!
Find out more on his facebook page!
그린란드를 방문중입니다. 어제 오후 도착하자마자 유네스코 세계자연유산으로 지정된 일루리삿의 빙하 피요르드를 다녀왔습니다. 급격한 온난화로 인해 올 여름에 관측사상 최대치의 해빙이 기록되었다고 들었는데, 실제 와보니 북극권이라고 믿기 어려울 정도로 얼음이 많이 녹아있었습니다. 기후변화에 발빠르게 대처하고 국제사회와의 협력에 주도적으로 참여하여 미래의 기회를 선점해야 하겠습니다. 수행기자단이 촬영한 일몰 속의 빙하를 소개합니다.
Korean President Lee using Tablet PC
Korea's president Lee Myung-bak watching his face book with a tablet PC.
Find out more on his facebook page!
Find out more on his facebook page!
많은 분들이 관심 가져 주셔서 고맙습니다. 일일이 댓글 달지 못하는 점 이해바랍니다. 틈나는대로 읽고 답글 다는 것도 신경쓰겠습니다. 아무래도 참모들의 도움을 좀 받아야 할 것 같아 걱정입니다. 오늘 오전에는 푸틴 러시아 대통령과 만나 양국 협력방안에 대해 깊은 논의를 했습니다.이번에 20년만에 블라디보스톡에 왔는데 APEC을 개최하면서 도시에 많은 변화가 있는 것 같습니다. 이제 곧 정상회의가 시작됩니다. 10시 넘어서까진 꼼짝 못하고 있어야 할 것 같습니다.
2012년 8월 8일 수요일
BoA - Only One MV [English subs + Romanization + Hangul] HD
Kpop star BOA is back! Check out her new MV "Only One" Eng sub also available.
Yeosu & Gurye Midsummer Night's Dream!
If you want to get out of exhausting works and relax surrounded by nature,
I strongly recommend you Yeosu & Gurye Tour Course!

The arms of Jiri Mountain. It already feels good only by imagining:)
In Gurye, there are 'King of mountains Jiri Mountain' and 'King of Rivers Seomjin River'.
It is also the place which is described as the best place to live in the book 'Taekriji'.

Make yourself relaxed, and stay at Unjoru which has 99 rooms and fantastic attic!
It is built with the ancestors' wisdom that no smoke go out of chimney in day time as a concern for the neighbors.
With scenery of Jiri Mountain as the background, the rooms vertical to the attic seem very beautiful.

If you want quiet and peaceful summer vacation, Hwaeomsa Temple Stay could be your choice.
3 things you must see at Hwaeomsa!!!
First, Gakhwangjeon! Second, 3-storey Four Lions Stone Pagoda! and Third, stone lantern in front of Gakhwangjeon!
Especially, 3-storey Four Lion Stone Pagoda placed behind Gakhwangjeon is very splendid.

Hwaeomsa Temple Stay is provided as 'Full Time Relaxation' and 'Spiritual Experience'
You can choose with your own taste.
Experience peaceful tour with Hwaeomsa Temple Stay!
[Expo Pop Festival] MBLAQ&YB
World Star beyond Asia MBLAQ and the Pride of Korean Rock YB performed at Expo Pop Festival on 6th Aug.
Just like the night of Yeosu, MBLAQ performed at Expo Pop Festival with incredible songs and dances.
(From Left) Cheon Dung, Mir and G.O.
(From Left) Seungho and Lee Joon
Five members of MBLAQ are famous for their singing ability, dance skills and charismatic performances.
South Korea's Legendary Rock&Roll Star YB performed at Expo Pop Festival.
YB's performance with passionate singing and brilliant guitar skills.
2012년 7월 25일 수요일
[Yeosu Expo] Asia Song Festival

Asia Song Festival, 'ASF', is a worldwide K-POP festival.
Superstars from South Korea, Japan, China, Thailand, Taiwan, Hongkong, etc come together at Yeosu Expo.
Also at the SBS K-POP Yeosu Expo Super Concert on 1st Aug,
Wondergirls, F(x), Tiara, Infinite, Sistar, After School, Jo Kwon, Teen Top, Secret, Park Jaebeom, A-Pink, ZE:A, B.A.P, Dal★shabet, Girl's Day, EXO-K, MBLAQ, etc will perform.
2012년 7월 23일 월요일
[Expo Pop Festival] SHINee, Dal★shabet, Lee Hyun, Dalmatian peform on 27th

[SHINee] Undoubtebly top Korean boy band. ('Sherlock', 'Lucifer', etc)

[Dal★shabet] Rising star comprised of 6 pretty girls. ('Bang Bang', 'Hit U', etc)

[Lee Hyun of 8eight] Definitely one of top ballad singers in K-Pop. ('My heartache', 'You are the best of my life', etc)

[Dalmatian] New K-Pop Idol of 5 handsome boys. ('E.R', 'The Romantic', etc)
SHINee, Dal★shabet, Lee Hyun of 8eight and Dalmatian will perform at the Yeosu Expo Pop Festival on 27th of July.
In the middle of summer, these K-Pop Stars' performances will heat up the special stage at Yeosu Expo.
2012년 7월 15일 일요일
2012년 7월 12일 목요일
2012년 7월 5일 목요일
Kpop! "Loving U" - Sistar MV
Sistar(Korean Girl Group) New song released! "Loving U" Eng sub available
[Yeosu Expo] Jeongseon Arirang at Yeosu Expo performance
South Korean Gangwon Province's Jeongseon District plan to spread Jeongseon Arirang to the world through Yeosu Expo.
According to officials, 'Jeongseon Arirang Sound and Rhythm' was performed at the traditional stage next to Local Government Pavillion, at 3 pm and 5 pm on July 3rd.
Jeongseon Arirang is the 1st intangible cultural asset of Gwangwon Province and the origin of Korean Arirang. It is known for folksy and austere style, and the most lengthy lyrics in the world with 3,000 words. This stage gained expectation that it could be the opportunity for the globalization of Jeongseon Arirang.
Also Jeongseon District will promote itself by displaying introduction and travel information of Jeongseon District through large screen along with the performance.
[Yeosu Expo] Goddesses at Expo Pop Festival

Today IU and Son Dam-bi, Miss A on 5th, Girl's Generation on 12th.
Korea's sweetheart IU, sexy diva Son Dam-bi, center of Korean Wave Girl's Generation, trend idol Miss A, etc. Goddesses of K-pop descend at Yeosu Expo Pop Festival.
Yeosu Expo Organizing Committee(Director Kang Dong-seok) said on July 1st(Sun) that 'Expo Pop Festival' which started on June 16th(Sat) will heat up from July with participation of female singers and girl groups.
On 3rd(Tue), honorary ambassador of Yeosu Expo IU and sexy diva Son Dam-bi performed with great attention. More world-class heart-fluttering stages are prepared with upcoming performances of Miss A on 5th(Thu), Ivy on 6th(Fri), Ailey on 7th(Sat), Girl's Generation on 12th(Thu),and F(x) on 17th(Tue).
Besides, compromising old and new generations, all-star cast with Super Junior, CNBLUE, Lee Eun-mi, Insooni, etc, will give 50 best performances on Expo Special Stage till Aug.
You can check out the schedule of singer' performances at the 'Culture and Academics' page of the Yeosu Expo official website(
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