전체 페이지뷰
2011년 12월 29일 목요일
2011년 12월 27일 화요일
2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit preparing team spokeswoman Han-Chung hi answering to questions
2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit preparing team spokeswoman Han-Chung hi answering to questions
Q : It is the second time holding a nuclear security summit right after the last year April at Washington D.C. What is the meaning of 2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit?
A : Referring this summit, president Barack Obama made a speech at april, 2009 in Praha, Czech. Firstly reinforce weak point of nuclear security, and ultimately making a world without nuclear weapon. At that time, second place holding the next nuclear summit was set to Seoul, ROK in 2012. And in Seoul Nuclear Security Summit, efforts made between these 2 years will be evaluated and checked. In 2009, many nations pledged regarding nuclear security, and in 2012 same process will occur adding some new pledges. Also 50 heads of nations will discuss the threat which nuclear terror and radioactive terror connotes. As a holding state, we are part of leading role. We are doing our best.
Q: How is the Chairman country decided?
A: The chairman country is normally decided through discussions between the first chairman country U.S. and many other countries. The reasons we were decided to be the chairman country are because of the part that we kept a firm engagement on the Nuclear Non-proliferation in the international society, the part that we are the powerful nation in the nuclear energy sector possessing 21 nuclear power plants and the fact that we recently exported nuclear energy plants to UAE. And the success host of G20 Seoul Summit has proved that Korea is a capable nation for hosting such international events as the bridge between advanced countries and developing countries. The close relationship between the President Lee Myung Bak and the U.S. President Barak Obama also had a huge effect on the decision as the President Obama actually suggested to the related staffs that Korea should be the next chairman country.
Q: It is said that this summit is the biggest summit to be held in a capital city which will begin on 26th March for 2 days. What is the current status of the participating nations and organisations?
A: At the G20 last year, 30 nations including the international organisations and the special inviting nations, had participated, and at the Washington Nuclear Security Summit, 50 nations, 47 nations and 3 international organisations, had participated. This time few more nations will be added and it is expected that 55 to 60 nations will be participating which is almost the double of G20's participation. This sets the record which will not be broken for a long time. The participating nations consist of the P5(5 nuclear power nations), countries with nuclear energy capability but not possessing any nuclear weapons, countries possessing uranium, representative nations of each region, the 3 nations(India, Pakistan, Israel) that did not sign NPT and the International organisations such as U.N., IAEA, EU and this time also Interpol. All the participating nations and organisations together represent more than 80% of the world population and more than 90% of the world's total GNP which basically means that almost every country in the world will be participating.
Q. Which agendas will be discussed at Seoul summit ?
A. There are basic agendas that had been discussed at Washington summit which are prevention of nuclear terrorism, nuclear materials, the defense of nuclear facilities, prevention of illegal trade among the nations and so on. And there will be analysis and evaluation between repensetatives regarding process and results for last two years. when Washington summit was declaratory , Seoul summit attract special attention as implementation stage for detail progress. The special agenda to be discuss at Seoul summit is the safety concerns after Fukushima nuclear power plant accident in March.
Though discussions, the importance of nuclear energy will be reminded so that reliability could be restored. Terror problem about radioactive substance which has received less attention at Washington summit, will be handled aggressively at Seoul summit.
Q. This morning AP broadcasted that U.S. would announce food aid within this week and North Korea would also announce tentative suspension of uranium enrichment. This implies green light regarding the six-party talks, and will this also have positive effect on the Summit?
A: Yes, we are sharing that view too. The North Korea's nuclear problem is a core issue regarding nuclear nonproliferation and an issue we have interest on. As I mentioned earlier Nuclear Security Summit is to restrain terrorists from acquiring nuclear materials so since the North Korea nuclear problem is an international issue between countries, it is hard to make North Korea nuclear problem as a direct reference as the summit agenda. However, It would be natural to arouse the interest of countries and media due to the fact that the summit is being held at the Korean penninsular. If the six-party talks are to be held prior to the summit before March, it will have overall positive effect. In addition, discussing nuclear issues in Seoul Nuclear Security Summit itself will send a message to North Korea to abandon nuclear program and come out to the international community. In this aspect, president Lee Myung-Bak's mentioning on last May that if North Korea abandons nuclear program it could be invited to participate in the summit, can be understood.
Nuclear security is responsibility of individual countries
Nuclear security is responsibility of individual countries
World leaders will gather again in Seoul, South Korea next march. The theme of this meeting is real threat. The worst possible threat is when terrorists blow up so called 'dirty bomb'. Dirty bomb is not a complete atomic bomb but its's explosion can lead to chaos. The economic consequence of the explosion will be same just as of the real bomb.
Just as the protection of the nuclear facilites is important, the protection of nuclear materials should be tightened. Two years after the washington summit, the protection of nuclear materials and facilities have been greatly improved.
Nuclear security is basic responsibilities of each individuals. Yet, the past ten years, IAEA has done various efforts to improve nuclear security. It has acceded to advice questions about nuclear protection laws and found weak nuclear securities points in each countries. It has also worked to improve securities in medical and industry related protection. Since effective nuclear security requires highly skilled manpower and advanced technology. IAEA has edcuated about nuclear security in 120 countries against more than 10,000 people.
IAEA is also helping countries to establish tracking system of theft nuclear materials and providing nuclear detectiion equipments to deter terrorists from smuggling.
The most effective way to understand the trend of nuclear security is information. IAEA's 'Illegal trade tracking database' is useful in detecting unauthroized nuclear activities and nuclear thefts. The database has registered more than 150 activities of illegal transcations. IAEA is helping to prevent world cup or olympic activities from nuclear terror. Threat evaluation, radiation detecting ability development are some of the activies that IAEA is doing to prevent nuclear terror.
Terrorists will try to find the weakest security system in the world. For that reason, IAEA which has 152 member states can contribute a lot.
I am very thankful that South Korea has become a strong supporter of international nuclear security system as it is the host country of 2012 Nuclear Security Summit. As mentioned from 2011 Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, I firmly believe that IAEA's support for strengthening nuclear security activities will repeat in Seoul.
Ratify Amended Convention for Counterterrorism
Among them, the easiest decisive action that participating states can do is to ratify 'Amended Convention on the Protection Nuclear Material (ACPNM)'. This convention is one of the important international law systems to coutner terrors. This convention was amended for Nuclear materials usage, stroage, and transportaion and to expand the coverage of 2005 convention. However, this convention has not come into effect because the number of ratifying countries are not yet enough. I encourage world leaders to ratify the amended convention immediately in order to make progress in preventing international nuclear terrorism
Kim Sung-hwan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, "Nuclear summit : beyond security toward peace"
We often say that we live in an age of uncertainty. In such times, it is only sensible that we hedge our risks and prepare for the unexpected. This has long been a tradition in the field of security and it only became more convincing after the 9/11 terrorist attacks in 2001. This incident made it all too clear that nothing is unimaginable.
This also applies to the danger of nuclear terrorism. One terrorist with one nuclear bomb could unleash such massive destruction that could dwarf all past terrorist acts. Currently, it is estimated that around 1,600 tons of highly enriched uranium (HEU) and 500 tons of plutonium are stored in locations scattered around the world.
This is enough nuclear material to fashion some 126,500 nuclear weapons. According to the Illicit Trafficking Database of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), more than 2,000 cases of illegal trafficking, theft or loss of nuclear and radiological materials have been reported around the world from 1993 to 2011, and of those around 60 percent have not been recovered.
The 9/11 Commission also reported on al-Qaida’s past desire to acquire nuclear materials and it has been known that other terrorist groups such as Aum Shinrikyo tried to get their hands on nuclear materials.
As such, when U.S. President Barack Obama laid out his vision for “a world without nuclear weapons” in Prague in 2009, he rightly pointed out that nuclear security is the urgent first step and foundation for realizing the ultimate goal.
Thus, the first Nuclear Security Summit was held in Washington, D.C., last year, where 47 countries and three international organizations gathered to embark on an earnest effort to achieve a safer world by securing vulnerable nuclear materials.
Korea will take over the baton and host the second Nuclear Security Summit in Seoul from March 26 to 27 next year. This reflects Korea’s elevated international standing and the international community’s growing confidence in Korea’s peaceful nuclear activities.
This summit, which will be the largest ever to be held in Korea, will be attended by even more states than the previous summit. Such heightened interest shows that there is significant global awareness and understanding on the gravity of this issue.
As a premier security forum, the Seoul summit will consolidate the highest political resolve of leaders worldwide and take an important step in realizing a world free of nuclear terrorism.
By fostering substantial cooperation among both signatories of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and non-NPT states as well as nuclear and non-nuclear weapon states, it will contribute to building confidence for efforts in nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament.
Specifically, the Seoul summit will advance the vision and commitments made at the previous summit as laid out in the “Washington Communique” and the Work Plan comprising of 50 specific measures for cooperation in 11 areas.
They include: minimization of HEU; ratification of relevant international agreements such as the amended Convention on Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism; and the establishment of Centers of Excellence to provide relevant training.
Building on the work from Washington, we will present new goals and identify practical ways to achieve them, as will be set out in the “Seoul Communique.” One of the focuses will be the interface and synergy between nuclear security and nuclear safety, which has emerged all the more important after the Fukushima nuclear accident in March.
Another important issue will be the threat of “radiological terrorism” which utilizes more primitive yet sufficiently devastating “dirty bombs.” Through these discussions, we hope the Seoul summit will contribute to restoring and renewing our confidence in nuclear energy in this nuclear renaissance.
As U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon stated, just one nuclear terrorist attack could bring unwanted change to the world forever. We face a common security problem ― one which warrants our constant attention and immediate action. We must forge a strong alliance to serve this noble cause and invest today to prevent a catastrophe in the future.
Furthermore, with more than 50 world leaders gathering in Seoul to engage in discussions on key nuclear issues, the summit will also send a message on the vital importance of peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and contribute as such.
2011년 12월 26일 월요일
Schedule Change for Free Download of the Logo song of 2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit
Free Download of the official Logo song of 2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit, 'Peace Song' through Olleh Music and Melon was scheduled from 19th Dec(Monday) for 2 weeks, but now the date has changed to 28th Dec(Wednesday) for 2 weeks.
2011년 12월 25일 일요일
K-POP! Troublemaker by Hyuna&Hyunseung
"Troublemaker" MV by Trouble Maker
Special Mega Project of HYUNSEUNG(JS) of BEAST & HYUNA of 4MINU
2011년 12월 19일 월요일
Park Jeong-hyun’s ‘Peace Song’, free download begins on 19th Dec through Olleh Music and Melon.
The official Logo song of 2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit, the ‘Peace Song’ sung by the honorary ambassador Park Jeong-hyun with outstanding singing ability, has already finished recording both in Korean and English version.
The ‘Peace Song’ will be provided by a free download event through Olleh Music and Melon from 19th Dec(Monday) for 2 weeks, celebrating the D-100 of 2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit. ‘Listen to the beautiful song and participate in the event~’ and Let your friends join as well!
Joint Statement of the Eminent Persons Group for the 2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit
Joint Statement of the Eminent Persons Group
for the 2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit
for the 2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit
We, members of the Eminent Persons Group established to advise the President of the Republic of Korea, Lee Myung-bak, on the 2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit, met in Seoul on 29 November, 2011. We, upon the invitation of President Lee, gathered to discuss ways to ensure the success of the Seoul Summit. In sincere and intense discussions today, we agreed on the following statement and express the hope that it will contribute to next year’s Summit.
1. We recognize and fully support the efforts of many world leaders and intellectuals who have strived to achieve a peaceful and prosperous world free of nuclear weapons, and note that some progress has been made in this regard. However, we at the same time recognize that there is still much to be done to attain this noble cause.
2. We are of the view that nuclear security, aimed at preventing terrorists, criminals, and other irresponsible actors from using nuclear weapons, highly enriched uranium or plutonium for malicious purposes, constitutes an important element in advancing the goal of a nuclear weapon-free, peaceful and prosperous world, together with nuclear disarmament, nuclear non-proliferation, and peaceful uses of nuclear energy. In this regard, we acknowledge that a key strategy to prevent nuclear terrorism is to deny terrorists from gaining access to nuclear weapons, materials, and facilities.
3. We emphasize that in order for the global nuclear security architecture to be robust enough to protect humankind and the planet, it needs to be based on the principle of integrated and balanced independence and interdependence between countries with shared responsibility. We support the objectives of international nuclear security instruments, including the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material, as amended, and the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism, as essential elements of the global nuclear security architecture. We hope that the Participating States of the Seoul Summit will work towards the Conventions’ universal adherence.
4. We welcome the fact that the Washington Nuclear Security Summit, held in April 2010, made nuclear security the focus of attention at the summit level and succeeded in achieving consensus among 50 global leaders on the gravity of the threat of nuclear terrorism and the need for common action. We recognize that President Obama’s four-year lock-down initiative, which aims to “secure all vulnerable nuclear materials in four years,” played a key role in bringing about this consensus, and strongly support this initiative.
5. We are confident that the 2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit will serve as a catalyst for realizing a world free of nuclear and radiological terrorism by both reaffirming the principles and the spirit of the Washington Summit and reaching agreement on new commitments and measures to enhance nuclear security. In this regard, we strongly support the Seoul Summit.
6. We expect leaders at the Seoul Summit to enhance public confidence in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. We also urge them to reduce the threats to nuclear facilities and their operating systems, such as sabotage or cyber attacks, by discussing in a responsible manner the ways in which nuclear security and nuclear safety can be mutually reinforced, bearing in mind the implications and lessons learned from the Fukushima nuclear accident. We have every confidence that the Republic of Korea can play a leading role to this end as the Chair Country of the Seoul Summit.
7. We recognize that there is a critical need to build up national and regional capabilities and resilience to deal with the aftermath of a radiological and nuclear accident, whether as a result of a terrorist attack or a natural disaster, in order to mitigate the consequences. In this regard, we also note the need to explain international standards on radioactivity in ways that are understandable to the public.
8. Noting the risk that radiological materials may be illegally obtained and explosive devices may be assembled, and given the serious consequences that arise from perpetrated acts of radiological terrorism, we believe that there is a need to engage in in-depth discussions on the threat of radiological terrorism, together with that of nuclear terrorism at the Summit, with a view to resolving these threats through mutual cooperation.
9. Recognizing that the success of the Seoul Nuclear Security Summit is important to further bolster the global nuclear security regime, we would like to highlight the following for the success of the Summit:
- First, the Seoul Summit should demonstrate tangible progress in implementing the commitments made at the Washington Summit with all participants reporting specifically on activities they have undertaken and propose to undertake;
- Second, the Seoul Summit should further advance the Nuclear Security Summit process to the implementation phase by setting out in the ‘Seoul Communiqué’ a practical vision and new concrete measures;
- Third, each Participating State needs to undertake to make significant contributions to the objective of strengthening nuclear security regime by announcing voluntary, individual commitments at the Seoul Summit. Furthermore, Participating States need to reaffirm the essential role of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in the nuclear security and safety framework.
- Fourth, the Seoul Summit should take into account the new international security circumstances that have taken shape since the Washington Summit. In particular, in considering the lessons of the Fukushima accident that releases of radioactivity into the environment have grave consequences, the Seoul Summit should recognize that just as insufficient nuclear safety may put nuclear security at risk, insufficient nuclear security may put nuclear safety at risk. In conjunction, it should develop measures for cooperation to reduce the threat of radiological terrorism. The Seoul Summit should also promote the strengthening of international and regional cooperation mechanisms in nuclear safety and security;
- Fifth, the Seoul Summit should emphasize the importance of preventing the illicit transfer of nuclear materials by, inter alia, strengthening international and regional cooperation through the sharing of information and best practices, and capacity building.
- Sixth, the Seoul Summit should build upon the momentum generated by the Washington Nuclear Security Summit and should make efforts to hold a third Summit to provide political impetus at the highest level for the nuclear security regime strengthening process and assess progress made on the Washington Summit’s 4-year lock-down target.
- First, the Seoul Summit should demonstrate tangible progress in implementing the commitments made at the Washington Summit with all participants reporting specifically on activities they have undertaken and propose to undertake;
- Second, the Seoul Summit should further advance the Nuclear Security Summit process to the implementation phase by setting out in the ‘Seoul Communiqué’ a practical vision and new concrete measures;
- Third, each Participating State needs to undertake to make significant contributions to the objective of strengthening nuclear security regime by announcing voluntary, individual commitments at the Seoul Summit. Furthermore, Participating States need to reaffirm the essential role of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in the nuclear security and safety framework.
- Fourth, the Seoul Summit should take into account the new international security circumstances that have taken shape since the Washington Summit. In particular, in considering the lessons of the Fukushima accident that releases of radioactivity into the environment have grave consequences, the Seoul Summit should recognize that just as insufficient nuclear safety may put nuclear security at risk, insufficient nuclear security may put nuclear safety at risk. In conjunction, it should develop measures for cooperation to reduce the threat of radiological terrorism. The Seoul Summit should also promote the strengthening of international and regional cooperation mechanisms in nuclear safety and security;
- Fifth, the Seoul Summit should emphasize the importance of preventing the illicit transfer of nuclear materials by, inter alia, strengthening international and regional cooperation through the sharing of information and best practices, and capacity building.
- Sixth, the Seoul Summit should build upon the momentum generated by the Washington Nuclear Security Summit and should make efforts to hold a third Summit to provide political impetus at the highest level for the nuclear security regime strengthening process and assess progress made on the Washington Summit’s 4-year lock-down target.
10. We welcome the fact that the Republic of Korea has been steadfast in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy by upholding the principles of nuclear nonproliferation, security and safety. We look forward to the leading role of the Republic of Korea in bridging diverse opinions among Participating States and achieving an effective and successful outcome for the Seoul Nuclear Security Summit. The highly successful peaceful nuclear program of the Republic of Korea, operated with full respect for the requirements of safety, security and safeguards provides a solid basis for this leadership. Their contribution will surely serve to a comprehensive approach to nuclear security worldwide and be seen as the Republic of Korea’s unique contribution to a more secure, safe, happy and prosperous world.
2011년 12월 14일 수요일
Angel Gurria : From the ruins of the Korean War
Angel Gurria, secretary general of the OECD, said that Korea indeed is a role model for international aid because it joined into the ranks of developed countries after being in ruins from the Korean War.
Queen Rania : Focus on Education
Queen Rania of Jordan said that development aid should focus on education and that South Korea's high education fever is a good example. Also, that for the development aid to be sustainable, it consists of teaching how catch a fish rather than giving a fish.
2011년 12월 11일 일요일
Great Achievements of HLF-4!
The Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness (HLF4) has come to a close, resulting in the new Busan Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation, which is a mixed bag in terms of the results that civil society was advocating for.
The Busan Partnership gives a new impetus for aid untying and the use of country systems- crucial areas for making aid contribute better to building the capacities that are needed to end aid dependency.
Some progress has been made on the core aid effectiveness agenda, with strengthened commitments on democratic ownership, using country systems and aid untying. Furthermore, China and other BRICs hesitantly moved under the new partnership’s umbrella.
The Busan Partnership gives a new impetus for aid untying and the use of country systems- crucial areas for making aid contribute better to building the capacities that are needed to end aid dependency.
Some progress has been made on the core aid effectiveness agenda, with strengthened commitments on democratic ownership, using country systems and aid untying. Furthermore, China and other BRICs hesitantly moved under the new partnership’s umbrella.
2011년 12월 1일 목요일
Declaration of the 4th High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness
Change the paradigm of the international aid policy from 'aid effectiveness' to 'development effectiveness' and build a new comprehensive global partnership which embraces the principal donors such as industrialized and emerging countries, private donors, and more.
The Busan declaration, with the four common principles, includes △the ownership of the developing countries with development priorities △result-oriented from the central results △inclusive development partnership △transparency and mutual accountability.
In the four actions, adopt △a deepened and expanded democratic ownership of the development policies and processes △a strengthen effort to get concrete and sustainable results △support enlargement for the South-South triangular cooperation and support tailored to the needs and circumstances of individual country △ support for Development Cooperation activities so that it can act as a catalyst for development.
The Busan declaration, with the four common principles, includes △the ownership of the developing countries with development priorities △result-oriented from the central results △inclusive development partnership △transparency and mutual accountability.
In the four actions, adopt △a deepened and expanded democratic ownership of the development policies and processes △a strengthen effort to get concrete and sustainable results △support enlargement for the South-South triangular cooperation and support tailored to the needs and circumstances of individual country △ support for Development Cooperation activities so that it can act as a catalyst for development.
Speech from Rania Al Abdullah, the current Queen consort of Jordan
Rania Al Abdullah, the current Queen consort of Jordan, said that "When people invest one dollar, the most effective development aid is investment in girls. Thus, we need to invest in women who represent half of the world population and 40% of labor".
Speech From US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that "from numerous studies, we have found out that countries that have invested in women and girls are likely to devlop more. As South Korea overcame the ruins from the Korean War through education, South Korea's investment in health and education is incredible".
Speech From The Chilean Prime Minister Michelle Bachelet
The Chilean Prime Minister Michelle Bachelet said that "women are responsible for half of the world food production and they poduce eighty-nine billion dollars of added value per year just in Asia, but their exertion ratio of the property rights is not even 1%". she also spoke that "if gender discrimination is not solve, we cannot expect the economic development".
Paul Kagame rwanda president learning from ROK
Paul Kagame rwanda president said with anticipation "During the time when ROK made economic growth with foreign aid and transformed into a aid giving country, with it's support fund more than 1billion dollars, Africa's income has dropped lower than 1970 and more than half of its population is suffering from poverty."
OECD secretary general : ROK, a powerful nation
Angel Gurria OECD secretary general said "ROK was once the world's poorest country, but now it became a powerful nation with economic growth, strong leadership, moral consciousness, and participation of private sector which developing countries want to learn." He also said "The world is watching ROK holding HLF-4 how they will make results in discussing about the better life."
2011년 11월 30일 수요일
European Union commits €53billion aid a year, make it count say NGOs
The world's biggest aid donor, the European Union, should stand up for ambitious proposals to tackle global poverty at the Busan High Level Forum(HLF4) aid summit say NGOs. CONCORD, Europe’s Relief and Development NGO confederation present in Busan, urges European leaders to make its extensive aid programme more effective at the conference. CONCORD insists $4billion could be saved per year by the EU if it implements better aid refroms and in this context, 62% of European citizens are in favour of increasing development aid to at least 0.7% of EU Gross National Income by 2015. Yet despite Europe’s global contribution to aid and its citizens support, NGOs express concern that the EU is going into Busan with weaker ambitions compared to the strong leadership it showed in 2008 at the last summit of its kind in Accra, Ghana.
“The EU has a positive role to play in supporting more effective aid policies. But we are disappointed to see that greater aid transparency is being blocked by certain EU countries.” says CONCORD President Justin Kilcullen. Also he urged that "EU hasn't show commitment of untying aid and improving local procurement of aid.
Along with EU, coutries attending HLF4 should wake up and strengthen the unity and willingness to improve aid effectiveness between countries in order to show advanced results since the previous HLF conference.
Nothing at Busan for African Women, Children
Some 250,000 mothers are estimated to die in Africa every year, leaving behind infants with reduced chances of making it beyond five years of age. Statistics by Save the Children, an international non-government organisation, reveal that African countries claim nine out of ten bottom places in a worldwide maternal health ranking that involves 164 countries. As HLF4 opens up, one of the questions that is being raised is whether African mothers and children can acquire substantial aid from the conference. Ben Philips of Save the Children says, "Unfortunately, the Busan Outcome document, which basically summarises the Forum’s platform for action beyond the conference, isn’t ambitious enough to improve aid effectiveness. For instance, there is no strong commitment to untie aid."
In additon, experts on aid in Busan say that if donors had shown a strong commitment to untie aid as an outcome of the ongoing conference, this would have increased aid by 15 to 30 percent, consequently increasing the value of aid. And this is not the only way in which donors are letting African women and children down. Although the G-8 countries, comprising the world’s richest nations, committed to ensuring that 0.7 percent of their budget goes to aid. None of them has actualised this commitment. "There’s a clear aid deficit that makes it difficult for poor countries to channel money into sector budgets towards improving health services by employing qualified nurses and even having more health facilities in areas where the poor can easily access them," said Dan Badoo, a policy researcher.
Lastly, Philips emphasized, "When we say that this is the HLF 4, it all sounds so technical and elitist, but what the ordinary, poor persons really need is to experience how healthy aid can improve their lives, can give them better quality livelihoods and save dying mothers and infants."
Absence of the International Leadership on International Development
In Paris in 2005 and Accra in 2008, donors around the world agreed on a set of key proposals. With the Busan Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness (HLF4) underway, donor countries must do better. For instance, some donor countries try to remove commitments on aid transparency from the Busan outcome document. While aid transparency is not going to solve all the problems of the development world, it is fundamental to being able to solve them - transparency will not stop corruption but it is a lot harder to beat corruption without it. It is vital not only for getting results but also for providing accountability to our taxpayers. Donor countries have agreed to the basic principles set out in the Paris Declaration and Accra Agenda, so Busan must be about the next steps. Donors need to agree a further timetable for implementation and a monitoring framework. Crucially, all countries need to work together - HLF4 must be a multilateral effort. If one country pulls out of the transparency commitments, the basic principlse and overall effect of mutual aid policy will be fundamentally undermined. HLF-4 should not just be another photo opportunity where leaders substitute rhetoric for action. It has to become effective aid's opportunity for action.
Joint conference about Busan HLF-4
Angel Gurria OECD secretary general and Kim Sung-hwan Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade will hold a joint news conference in 11:45A.M. before the closing ceremony of Busan HLF-4.
Announcement of the 'Political Statement' by the leaders of the countries participating in the High Level Forum On Aid Effectiveness, Busan.
1. At the High Level Forum On Aid Effectiveness, Busan on 30th Nov, our government announced the 'Political Statement' which states the support and the implementation of the results achieved during the forum, by the representatives of various countries including the president Lee Myung Bak, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and the US secretary of state Hilary Clinton, and the representatives of various international organisations and agencies.
o Support on the result document at the Busan Forum.
o With the appearance of the emerging countries and new private sector, clarification of the establishment of the new comprehensive partnership covering the introduction of new development model like South-South cooperation and the geographical change in development cooperation.
- Tolerance of variety and approval of the role of the emerging groups.
- The development cooperation through new partnership will act as a catalyst to mobilize various resources for the pratical development of developing countries.
o Regulation of Shared Principle and Actions between various developers, and emphasis on the political leadership for development.
※ 4 Shared Principles: The ownership of the developing countries, results-oriented, comprehensive partnership for development, mutual transparency and responsibility.
o Realization of the effect of the development on the global security and prosperity, and set the development as the prior policy goal.
o Implementation of the result documents arisen at the Busan Forum, especially emphasis on the leadership and mutual responsibility for the each country's implementation.
2. This 'Political Statement' is evaluated as the opportunity to unite the political wills of the various representatives of the globe to establish new comprehensive 'development partnership' which will provide effective development cooperation beyond simple aid.
3. Also, through explanation of the result documents of the Busan Forum in simple words, public understanding and support will be achieved, which will in the expansion of the public support on the development cooperation.
HLF4 Gender Equality Session
At this moment in the High Level Forum On Aid Effectiveness, Busan, a special session for the gender equality is being held which has its attendance including, the US secretary of state Hilary Clinton and the president of East Timor Jose Ramos Horta.
In today's session, enhancement of gender equality for developmental outcome and the strengthening of female capabilities will be discussed.
It seems that the US secretary of state Hilary Clinton, in her speech, will emphasize the importance of investment on female and strengthening economies for the development of developing countries.
The Keynote speech of the president Lee Myung Bak at the High Level Forum On Aid Effectiveness, Busan
The president Lee Myung Bak promised that South Korea would become the true partner with the developing countries for the global development, sharing its experiences of success and failure.
He said that the history of the development of South Korea since the Korean War, is the vivid experience for hardworking Koreans who tried to achieve better lives to come out of poverty.
He also said that despite the poverty, South Korea has successfully developed education and, achieved industrialization and democratization with the help of foreign aids. And now, it is time to move forward along with the world.
The president Lee Myung Bak said that the global economic crisis in 2008 could be overcome by policy cooperation of developed and developing countries, and emphasized that the developing countries are not the objects for aid but the important partners to achieve the sustained growth and the balanced development of the global economy.
2011년 11월 29일 화요일
Opening of the 4th High Level Forum On Aid Effectiveness, Busan on 29th Nov.
The forum discussing on 'empowering ability to developing countries' and 'South-South co-operation', will attract the attention as this forum will attemp to change the international trend of aid from 'aid effectiveness' to 'development effectiveness'.
In the 'South-South co-operation' forum, the active discussions will take place on the topics of the change of the role of the developed countries and the improvement of the southern hemisphere countries' co-operation which is gaining its importance lately for the development.
2011년 11월 28일 월요일
4th High Level Forum will be held in Busan!
HLF-4 will be held for the fourth time in Busan followed by the previous three forums which were held in 2003 Rome, in 2005 Paris and in 2008 Accra and the first country to become the donor country from the beneficiary country.
Since the end of the Korean War, when its per capita national income was only $67, Korea has achieved tremendous development with the help of the foreign aid to become the top 10 largest economy in the world. Last Year, Korea became the 24th member of the Development Assistance Committee(DAC), the subordinate body of the the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development(OECD), becoming the donor country to aid other nations.
Particulary, with the help of the foreign aid, Busan developed as the international city being the world's top 5 port city, where HIL-4 will be held. After the Korean War, Busan was the city unloading the foreign aid goods, but now it became the world's top 5 port city, which gives symbolic meaning to the recipient countries.
KDI & KAIDEC holds HLF-4 advance conference
Korea Development Institute(KDI) in collaboration with the Korean Association of International Development holds a HLF-4 advance conference to discuss new agendas of the world which are aid and development effectiveness, co-responsibility for development cooperation, differentiated approach, sharing knowledge for empowerment , and development cooperation on 28th of Nov at Busan Centum hotel ntum hotel
2011년 11월 27일 일요일
An Interview with Jeffrey Sachs about HLF-4
Jeffrey Sachs from Columbia University who will be participating in 4th High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness(held in Busan, South Korea) as a main speaker says that "a social imbalance can be overcome by IT industry, so we expect the contributions of the Korean Government and corporations."
HLF4 Official Poster
4th High Level Forum on Aid Effecticeness
29 Nov - 1 Dec 2011, Busan, Republic of Korea
Building a New Global partnership for Effective Development Cooperation
Aid ambitions not diminished, insists Commission
Ahead of the fourth OECD High level forum on Aid Effectiveness, the European Commission continues to push for more streamlined, accountable aid programmes, while critics accuse the EU of watering down its ambitions for development.
The forum (HLF4), which takes place in Busan, South Korea, between 29 November and 1 December, will, in addition to addressing the general effects of aid effectiveness in the developing world, will also seek to strengthen partnerships between developing countries, emerging economies, donor countries, NGOs and the private sector.
As well as being billed as the most important international development for some time, the commission is also keen to highlight its inclusiveness. According to the commission, two main points will dominate the agenda: a refocus on commitments already made to aid effectiveness, and ensuring democratic ownership.
The first looks at improving the impact of aid and deliver accountability to the taxpayer, seen as increasingly important in these economic times, while the second aims to guarantee transparency, and the predictability of assistance. “In these difficult financial times, aid effectiveness is more important than ever. It is vital that taxpayer's money goes to where it is needed most in the most efficient way. That is why we’re doing all we can to work closely with developing countries and other partners on the ground,” the spokesperson for Development Commissioner, Andris Piebalgs, told New Europe, while behind the scenes there is cautious optimism that the commission can contribute positively to the ongoing debate, and reduce the “fragmentation” of aid, by broadening the agenda and actors taking part to the widest possible variety of partners.
This approach is not without its critics, who see private sector involvement as counterproductive, and who demand to know exactly who speaks for the big corporations, however the commission is keen to have as wide a partnership base as possible (although there has been mixed success with getting some of the foundations on board); insisting that “we are trying to get them round to our agenda,” and that no one gets to the table without having established a firm corporate social responsibility (CSR) programme first.
Perhaps more controversially, the commission is also keen to enhance, as it puts it, “democratic ownership” of aid by continuing to peruse its policy of budget support, and “the use of country systems.” Essentially, this means providing money directly for government’s to work on specific projects, for example, in education. Recipients are only eligible for this kind of support upon provision of thorough plans and the guarantee of transparent auditing procedures, however, not everyone is convinced, not least within the commission itself; Piebalgs is said to be more cautious than predecessor Louis Michel about the policy’s possible success rate.
Despite the apparent confidence, not everyone is convinced that the EU is in a position to deliver on its promises. A recent open letter sent by CONCORD, the European development NGO confederation, accused member states of weakening their collective ambitions. “EU member states provide around half of global aid and the world's poorest people and EU citizens will therefore rightly be looking for EU Governments to lead donor efforts at HLF4 to agree to ambitious action to maximise the development impact of their aid,” read the letter.
“Such action must of course focus on making aid programmes more transparent and effectively scrutinised... it must also focus on tackling a range of practices that undermine aid’s long term impacts and potential for helping countries to end their dependence on it. These include tied aid, unpredictable aid, inappropriate use of conditions, the bypassing of local systems and approaches to aid that fail to strengthen democratic ownership and gender equality.
“Unfortunately,” it continues, “the EU’s common position for HLF4 contains few concrete proposals in these areas. In addition a number of EU member states have been prominent in opposing ambitious proposals made by others on these issues, using a lack of ambition from the likes of new donors such as China as an excuse. This lack of political leadership is in stark contrast to that displayed by the EU at the Accra HLF in 2008 and is likely to undermine the success of HLF4.”
The commission, however, is standing on its record as the world’s largest overseas aid donor, and insists that ambition has not been diminished. “The European Commission is already amongst the most transparent and effective donors.” says Piebalgs’ spokesperson. “We help to reduce poverty in over 150 countries. Yet better coordination amongst European donors could help to save around €5 billion per year.”
“In Busan, [the commissioner] will be calling for donors to better coordinate their actions to avoid duplication, fragmentation and to achieve better impact. With just over three years left to meet the Millennium Development Goals, time is running out. Busan will be a key opportunity for all donors to act together to improve the efficiency of aid.”
New agenda for economic development: Hafeez may attend fourth HLF in Korea
In order to set up new agenda for economic development, Pakistan has decided to attend Fourth High Level Forum (HLF) on aid effectiveness and transparency as well as challenges presented by today's uplift landscape.
The forum, to be held in Bosan, Korea, from November 29 to December 1, is likely to be attended by Finance Minister Abdul Hafez Sheikh, Secretary of Economic Affairs Division (EAD) Abdul Wajid and Parliamentary Secretary of EAD Zill-e-Huma.
The forum, to be held in Bosan, Korea, from November 29 to December 1, is likely to be attended by Finance Minister Abdul Hafez Sheikh, Secretary of Economic Affairs Division (EAD) Abdul Wajid and Parliamentary Secretary of EAD Zill-e-Huma.
Sources said that to set up a new agenda for economic development, almost 2000 delegates from all over the world would be reviewing the steps taken globally for improving the effectiveness of aid.
The Second High Level Forum (Paris, I 2005) marked the first time that donors and recipients both agreed to commitments and to hold each other accountable for achieving these.
The commitments were laid out in the 'Paris Declaration'.
At the Third High Level Forum (Accra, 2008) the need to deepen implementation towards the goals set in 2005 was identified, along with a set of priority areas for improvement.
Their aim is to build wide consensus on a new framework to support global development.
In preparation, a group of 'sherpas' is shaping a document that contains the main commitments to be endorsed at Bosan.
4th High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness Article
The three-day High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness (HLF-4), which is scheduled to take place at BEXCO, Busan from November 29th to December 1st, will provide a new vision and a strategy for international development cooperation and will be a milestone in enhancing Busan’s position on the global stage of development cooperation.
About 2500 representatives, including ministerial delegations from 160 countries, leaders of major international organizations and civil associations, and members of the academia are expected to attend the 4th High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness to discuss internationalprinciples and rules to eradicate poverty and realize development. The biennial/triennial High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness is the most prestigious and largest forum in the area of international development cooperation. The 4th Busan HLF-4 follows previous forums held in Rome (Italy) in 2003, Paris (France) in 2005, and Accra (Ghana) in 2008.
Especially as the forum is coming at a critical time while global challenges such as financial crises, food security, and climate change are emerging, it will serve as a historical opportunity to cast a new perspective on development cooperation for the 21st century. In addition, by emphasizing Busan as a historical venue for international development cooperation, the forum will create a significant economic impact for Busan, positioning this city as an even more competitive venue for majorinternational conferences and events.
2011년 11월 14일 월요일
International Children's Peace Art Festivial
For celebration of 2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit, introduce prevention of nuclear terrorism & importance of nuclear security, promote understanding and interest of domestic and overseas citizens of peaceful usage of nuclear energy
Winner's art will be displayed at 2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit exhibition
Domestic winner's art will be displayed along with art works of elementary school children from 50 countries
『 International Children's Peace Art Festivial』in celebration of 2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit
Elementary school childen
Painting & Poster (each applicant can submit multiple applications)
●Choose one topic out of two topics
●Wish for 'peaceful and Safe world'
(Sending Message to the representatives of 50 countries who gathered to prevent nuclear terrorism)
● Peaceful usage of nuclear energy
2011.12.1(Thu) ~ 2012.1.13(Fri) (mail received on 13th is accepted)
Individual : After filling a registration form from the foundation homepage, print it out and attach it on backside of the art work
Organization(more than 10 people) : After Downloading a group entry table from foundation homepage, fill and submit Group a registration form, and attach the application form which has the application number in the front of art work collection and submit (Each art work put name of school & student and grade)
Div Work standard How to apply
Painting 272X394mm size
All materials can be used, No limitation on colors
Poster Fold once ,put in a big envelope and submit
* When you submit an art work, A student who is guided by a teacher should also fill out the name of teacher(applicable to teachers from relevant schools)
[2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit] Appointment of Honarary Ambassador
[2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit] Appointment of Honarary Ambassador
-singer Park Jung-hyun, actor Jang Geun-suk, and child actors Jin Ji-hee, Wang Seok-hyeon.
1. Preparation and Planning Committee(Director: Kim Sung-hwan, minister of foreign affairs and trade) appointed singer Park Jung-hyun, actor Jang Geun-suk, and child actors Jin Ji-hee, Wang Seok-hyeon as the Honarary Ambassadors of [2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit].
2. In the appointment of the Honarary Ambassadors, Preparation and Planning Committee has considered the basic purpose(Achievement of World's peace and security by preventing nuclear threat) and the purpose for the future generations, of the Nuclear Security Summit. Their popularity and activities in the international stage will involve public support and interest, further promoting [2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit].
- Honarary Ambassadors' activities include singing 'Peace Song', appearance in its music video, and modeling in the International Children's Peace Art Festival. The child honarary ambassador will send a peace message to the future generations.
Honarary Ambassadors' Career
Singer Park Jung-hyun
- Born on March 1976
- English Literature Department, Columbia Unversity Graduate
Actor Jang Geun-suk
- Born on August 1987
- Theater and Film Department, Hanyang University
Child Actress Jin Ji-hee
- Born On March 1999(12 years old)
- Heukseok Elementary School
Child Actor Wang Seok-hyeon
- Born on June 2003(8 years old)
- Dogog Elementary School
2011년 11월 13일 일요일
Winners of 2012 Nuclear Summit Idea Contest
Winners from 2012 Nuclear Sumimt Idea Contest
First Place (Summit award)
Participant ID 윤이: Five Senses of Korea
Exhibit Korean culture which contains our unique color with a theme, Fives Senses of Korea (touch, smell, sight, taste, hearing).
You can experience the senses(taste for Korean traditional foods, hearing for Korean traditional music, sight for potteries, touch for wearing Korean traditional clothes) in the exhibition center.
Second Place (Peace award)
Participant ID Jane Lee: The color of Korea
Introduce Republic of Korea with five Korean traditional colors(yellow, blue, white, red, black) which contain many interesting meanings.
Yellow symbolizes "center and the king", so we can introduce Seoul and the glorious history of Korea.
Blue symbolizes "water, an indigo sky, and spring", so we can introduce our mood with beautiful nature and through Korea's famous attractions and natural landscape pictures.
White symbolizes "integrity, innocence, and life", so we can introduce our traditional culture and food which represent our ethnicity.
Red symbolizes "passion and affection", so we can introduce our solidarity which has been proved by Red Devils during the World Cup.
Black symbolizes "death", but we can introduce the great men in history and their achievements.
Participant ID Gwang Il An : Korea's various cultures
-Set KOREA as a title, and introduce Korea by setting each character as one theme and connecting them
K K-POP zone. Introduce history of Korean music from past to the present
O Orient zone. selecting oriental beauty as a theme
R Remarkable zone. Introduce Korea's high-tech IT, and own nuclear reactor
E Energy zone. Introduce our international activity
A Art zone. Introduce Korea's art
Participant ID hisujie : Streets in Korea
-Introduce Korea's history and fame spot by presenting streets in Korea which history and urbaneness coexist
-Make introducing film about Korea's beautiful Streets which sense of history and urbaneness stay put together, such as street with old castle walls like Bukhansan Dulegil(Bukhan Mt. Dule Course), Samchungdonggil(Samchungdong Street), HanokMaeul(Traditional Korean House Village), Naksan Park(Nak Mt. Park), and streets with great night view like Bukak Skyway, Namsan Tower, and some famous regional trails called "olle gil" and "dule gil".
-Giving bright image of Korea's future by putting the phrase "This Gils(streets) are connected to the future of Korea" or similar image in the last cut of the film.
Participant ID Min Jeong Chang : Four seasons in Korea
-Make a experiencing exhibit space called "Korea's Four Season wall", which people can choose any seasons of Korea that they want to see. By choosing a season in this "wall" they can see scenic view from the season they selected.
(It is recommended to use d strict's stickus)
-If possible, make some points where they can choose from themes such as Korea's Four Seasons and Korea's National Dish.
Participant ID Jubok Lee : Strong IT nation, Korea
Display world peace forum and window for future hope happening in colorful and sense-enriched strong IT nation, Korea, in 5 types of ubiquitous digital contents
-Digital Beautiful
Display LED digital 12-fold(representing year 2012) folding screen that is divided into categories such as history, culture, traditon, 4 season, Hangul, artwork, sports, Korean-wave, pottery, Taegeukgi(national flag of Korea) and Mugunghwa(national flower of Korea) which reacts to audiences' touch and movement
-Digital Peaceful Mosaic
To encourage participation of diverse classes internally and externally, grant various effects on world peace messages and relevant pictures sent using cellphones or SNS and visually display them on LED screens
-Digital Thinkful Screen Wall
Installation of outdoor Screen Wall displaying DMZ(emphasis on tragic division of Korea and preservation of ecosystem) and the Achievement of Nuclear Security linking with the safety, technology and weather conditions of nuclear energy.
-Digital Power Library
Live Display by LED Screen about Peacekeeping effort and on/off line Peace activities(Policies, Events, Publications, Forum, etc) of various nations and their peace delegations.
-Digital Wonderful Hangul Light
Display Hangul's consonant and verbs on the screen which when touched, lights up and shows the past-present-future of Dynamic Korea.
Third Place (Extraordinary Award)
- Overlapped Prizewinners acceptable only once.
Sul Art
Insoon HA
Youna Shin
Andrew Lim
Yujin Jung
Clara Yoo
Sungjoong Cho
Mu-Jin Steve Lee
Taejoon Park
Hyelim Ahn
Bunkuy Choi
Yoo Jongsun
Yangwon Lee
JeeSun Park
Yuri Choi
Andy SungHo Park
Hyunji Kim
Haerim Jung
Yusuk Shin
Sujin Jang
Hiyong Shin
Cathy Paik
Youngwoong Choi
Junghee Kim
Ben Heo
Sun Kim
Yeonju Kim
Jihye Kim
Gieun Chae
In-jae Kim
Haesol Won
Blue Lagoon
Jiwoo Kim
Kyungduc Kim
Sungjoong Cho
Dong-hwi Kim
Eunjean Jung
Seung-kyu Lee
Yangwon Lee
Hana Ji
Kim Jina
Unhee Lee
Lexi Hwang
JinAh Kim
hana yoon
Hyosung Kim
Gyoungjoon Noh
2011년 11월 10일 목요일
Analyzing The Obama-Lee Relationship
Why does U.S. President Barack Obama get along with South Korean President Lee Myung-bak so well?
One of the closest observers of U.S.-Korean relations in Washington, Gordon Flake, executive director of the Mansfield Foundation, has a different take on the relationship between the two presidents.
Mr. Flake says that Mr. Obama sees in Mr. Lee a leader who has clear ideas and doesn’t waste Mr. Obama’s time. As well, says Mr. Flake, South Korea as a country is clearly rising upward in its political, economic and cultural power.
“President Lee meets Obama and sets things in a strategic context, says this is what I’m doing and this is what I need the U.S. to do,” Mr. Flake said over coffee on a recent visit to Seoul for a nuclear disarmament conference. “For President Obama, that’s extremely refreshing, especially coming from an Asian leader.”
What’s often overlooked in both countries, Mr. Flake said, is how much the U.S.-South Korea relationship has come to encompass matters beyond South Korea’s security.
When Mr. Lee visited Washington last month (and was accorded a state dinner, the highest level of diplomatic hosting), the topic of North Korea was far down the agenda, below a number of economic items, Afghanistan and even piracy off the African coast.
“This is all a reflection of Korea’s growth and its rising stature around the world,” Mr. Flake said. He added he objects to the “prevailing narrative” with some South Koreans that the country is led around by the United States and that Lee does whatever Obama wants.
Instead, he said, “There is a national trajectory happening for South Korea. The country is seen in Washington and by other countries as hitting on all strides.”
Japan’s leadership appears lethargic, by contrast, and China’s appears stretched to the limits by the self-created problem of maintaining authoritarian politics in an increasingly free-wheeling economy.
For all of Mr. Lee’s difficulties in domestic politics, on the international stage, he’s created a strong image, helped in part by the natural forces of Korea’s rise and the difficulties being faced by neighboring countries.
“Who is more of a leader in Asia than Lee Myung-bak?” Mr. Flake asks. “There’s no one out there.”
2011년 11월 8일 화요일
HLF4 Better Aid Campaign
25th October 2011 - Civil society organizations from across the globe have officially launched the ‘campaign, mobilizing public support for civil society’s asks towards the upcoming High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness’.

Signatures will be collected on the campaign postcards as well as online. The campaign is part of the wider ‘The World We Want’ campaign led by the Global Call to Action Against Poverty.
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